<이흥노 교수>
1. 인적사항
○ 소 속 : 광주과학기술원 정보통신학과 부교수
2. 학력
○ 1993 : B.S. in University of California, Los Angeles
(Electrical Engineering)
○ 1995 : M.S. in University of California, Los Angeles
(Electrical Engineering)
○ 1999 : Ph.D. in University of California, Los Angeles
(Electrical Engineering)
3. 경력사항
○ 1999 ~ 2002 : HRL Laboratories, L.L.C., Research Staff
○ 2002 ~ 2008 : University of Pittsburgh, Assistant Professor
○ 2009 ~ 현재 : 광주과학기술원 정보통신공학부, 부교수
4. 주요연구업적
1. J. Oliver, WoongBi Lee, and Heung-No Lee*, "Filters with random transmittance for improving resolution in filter array based spectrometers," Accepted for Optics Express.
2. Wooyeol Choi+, Taewoon Kim+, Daeyoung Park+, Heung-No Lee and Hyuk Lim*, Coordinating Transmit Power and Carrier Phase for Wireless Networks with Multi-Packet Reception Capability, EURASIP Wireless Communications and Networking, Accepted.
3. Jin-Taek Seong+ and Heung-No Lee*, "4-ary Network Coding for Two Nodes in Cooperative Wireless Networks: Exact Outage Probability and Coverage Expansion," EURASIP Wireless Communications and Networking, Accepted.
4. Zafar Iqbal+, Saeid Nooshabadi, and Heung-No Lee*, "Analysis and Design of Coding and Interleaving in a MIMO-OFDM Communication System," to appear in IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, August 2012 Issue.
5. Sang-Seon Byun++, Ilangko Balasingham, Athanasios V. Vasilakos, and Heung-No Lee*, "Computation of an Equilibrium in Spectrum Markets for Cognitive Radio Networks," to appear IEEE Transactions on Computers.
6. Younghak Shin+, Seungchan Lee+, Junho Lee+ and Heung-No Lee*, "Sparse representation-based classification (SRC) scheme for motor imagery-based brain-computer interface systems," Journal of Neural Engineering, Aug. 2012.
7. J. Oliver++, WoongBi Lee+, SangJun Park+, and Heung-No Lee*, "Improving resolution of miniature spectrometers by exploiting sparse nature of signals," In Press for Optics Express (Impact Factor: 3.753)
8. H. Kim+, D. Har, Z.-H. Mao, M. Sun, and Heung-No Lee*, "Efficient Joint Source-Channel Decoding of Multi-State Markov Sequences," Accepted with minor revision for IET Communications.
9. Cheng-Chung Chang+*, T.-Y. Kuo, Y.-C. Lo, Heung-No Lee, D. Askey, Zhi-Hong Mao, "User-satisfaction based bandwidth allocation for transmission of multiple sources of human perceptual data," In Press for Journal of the Franklin Institute.
10. Junil Ahn+, Heung-No Lee, Kiseon Kim*, "A Near-ML Decoding with Improved Complexity over Wider Ranges of SNR and System Dimension in MIMO Systems," In Press for IEEE Trans. on Wireless Communications.
11. Heung-No Lee*, Seyoung Chung, Christian Fragouli, and Zhi-Hong Mao, "Editorial: Special Issue on Network Coding for Wireless Networks," EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, 2011.
12. R. Vinjamuri+, M. Sun, C.-C. Chang+, Heung-No Lee, R. J. Sclabassi, and Z.-H. Mao*. Dimensionality reduction in control and coordination of the human hand. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 57(2), pp. 284-295, Feb. 2010.
13. Cheng-Chun Chang+, Zhi-Hong Mao, and Heung-No Lee*, "Majority Rule Based Iterative Decoding Algorithm for LDGM Codes," vol. 90, Issue 1, pp. 373-377, Signal Processing, Jan. 2010.
14. R. Vinjamuri, M.Sun, C.C. Chang, Heung-No Lee, R. Sclabassi, and Z.-H. Mao, "Temporal Postural Synergies of the Hand in Rapid Grasping Tasks, "IEEE Trans. on Information Technology in Biomedicine, vol. 14, no. 4, pp.986-994, Jul. 2010.
15. R. Vinjamuri, M. Sun, C.-C. Chang, Heung-No Lee, R. J. Sclabassi, and Z.-H. Mao. "Dimensionality reduction in control and coordination of the human hand," IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 57(2), pp.284-295, Feb. 2010.
16. Cheng-Chun Chang, Zhi-Hong Mao, and Heung-No Lee, "A fast BER evaluation method for LDGM codes," Journal of the Frankilin Institute, vol. 347, issue. 7, pp. 1368-1373, 2010.
17. J. Zhang and Heung-No Lee, "Energy-Efficient Utility Maximization for Wireless Networks with/without Multipath Routing, "International Journal of Electronics and Communications, May. 2009. Volume 64, Issue 2, February 2010, Pages 99-111.
18. Cheng-Chun Chang, Zhi-Hong Mao, and Heung-No Lee, "MB iterative decoding algorithm on systematic LDGM codes: Performance evaluation," Signal Processing, vol. 90, issue. 1, pp. 373-377, 2010
19. Mir H. Mahmood, C.C. Chang, Z.H. Mao and Heung-No Lee, "Throughput Behavior of Link Adaptive 802.11 DCF with MUD Capable Access Node," AEU International Journal of Electronics and Communications, July 2008. doi:10.1016/j.aeue.2009.10.007.
20. Cheng-Chun Chang, Zhi-Hong Mao, and Heung-No Lee, "Majority Rule Based Iterative Decoding Algorithm for LDGM Codes," vol. 90, Issue 1, pp. 373-377, Signal Processing, Jan. 2010.
21. Heung-No Lee, J. Zhang, C.W. Choi, "General random coding bounds: AWGN channels to MIMO fading channels," Annals of Telecommunications, vol. 65, issue. 1, pp. 87-99, 2010
22. Z.-H. Mao, Heung-No Lee, R. Sclabassi, and M. Sun, "Information Capacity of the Thumb and Index Finger in Communication," IEEE Trans. Biomedical Engineering, Vol. 56, No. 5, pp. 1535-1546, May. 2009.
23. R. Vinjamuri, D.J. Crammond, D. Kondziolka, Heung-No Lee, and Zhi-Hong Mao, "Extraction of Sources of Tremor in Hand Movements of Patients with Movement Disorders," vol. 13, no.1, pp. 49-56, IEEE Trans. on Information Technology in Biomedicine, Jan. 2009.
24. Heung-No Lee, J. Zhang, and C.W. Choi, "Random coding bounds for MIMO channels," Annals of Telecommunication, Dec. 23rd, 2008.
25. J. Zhang and Heung-No Lee, "Performance analyses on LDPC coded system over quasi-static (MIMO) fading system," IEEE Trans. on Communications, vol. 56, issue 12, pp. 2080-2093, Dec. 2008.
26. X. Song and Heung-No Lee, "Multimode Precoding for MIMO Systems Performance Bounds and Limited Feedback Codebook Design," IEEE Trans. on Signal Processing, vol. 56, no. 10, pp. 5296-5301, Oct. 2008.
27. J. Zhang and Heung-No Lee, "Throughput Enhancement with a Modified 802.11 MAC Protocol with Multi-User Detection Support," International Journal of Electronics and Communications, vol. 62, issue 5, pp. 365-373, May, 2008.
28. Cheng-Chun Chang and Heung-No Lee, "A Fast Simulation Method for LDGM Codes," Journal of the Franklin Institute, May 2008.
29. C.C. Chang and Heung-No Lee, "On the Estimation of Target Spectrum for Filter-Array Based Spectrometers," Optics Express, vol. 16, no. 2, pp. 1056-61, Jan. 2008.
30. J. Wu and Heung-No Lee, "Performance analysis for LDPC coded modulation in MIMO multi-access Systems," IEEE Trans. on Communications, vol. 55, no. 7, pp.1417-1426, July, 2007.
31. J. Zhang and Heung-No Lee, "Performance analysis of LDPC-Coded Space-Time Modulation over MIMO Fading Channels," IEEE Communications Letters, vol. 11, Issue 3, pp. 234 ? 236, March 2007.
32. J. Zhang and Heung-No Lee, "A Performance bound on random-coded MIMO systems," IEEE Communications Letters, vol.10, no.3, pp.168-170, March, 2006.
33. J. Zhang and Heung-No Lee, "Union bounds on LDPC coded modulation systems over fast fading MIMO channels," vol. 9, no.9, pp. 796-798, IEEE Communications Letters, Sept. 2005.
34. Heung-No Lee and X. Hu, "Robust Iterative tree-pruning detection and LDPCC decoding," IEEE Journal of Selected Areas on Communications, vol. 23, no.5, pp. 1013-1025, May 2005.
35. Heung-No Lee and G. J. Pottie, "Fast adaptive equalization/diversity combining for time varying dispersive channels", IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol. 46, no. 9, pp 1146-1162, Sept. 1998. |